Archive | July, 2012

FO: New Look 6871, and a party

5 Jul

Look! I made a shirt! It’s New Look 6871, a yoke + gathered bottom for wovens. This is remarkable because 1) I’ve never made a shirt for myself, and 2) I’ve been pretty firmly in the knits-for-casual and woven-for-respectable camp. Here is one picture of it:

The background would be lovely if it weren’t for the towel, yellow bowl, and bag of tortilla chips.

I am horrifically unphotogenic. The other day, it took 37 tries with my new iPhone before I had something I was willing to send to my sister–my sister, who probably changed my diapers or something. You can thank my husband for the picture. We were at a barbecue yesterday, saying goodbye to A’s future husband, and I handed him (C, not the fiance) the camera with the vague instruction to “take some pictures of the shirt.” He obliged by taking pictures primarily of my face, but you can’t really fault a non-sewist. Here are some other pictures from the day:

Yes, there were a million fitting issues with the shirt. I resolved some and then created a few others when I made the second version, which is pink-and-white colorblocked linen. If this one looks a little like a muslin, that’s because it’s a “wearable” muslin, with emphasis on the scare quotes around the wearable. But you know what? I actually like it. I like flowered fabric, and this is a nice little voile/ lawn from Fabrics and Trimmings, who, by the way, are super-nice.

We’re going to miss you, D!

Anyway, I made a shirt! It fulfills my goals of being 1) basically equivalent to what you can buy at Old Navy for 24.99, 2) slightly cheaper, and 3) better made. You should see my french seams!