Archive | June, 2012

FO: Puppet Show Shorts, Part III

18 Jun

These knees are pre-weekend wipeout. Now she’s sporting a big scrape that she talks about endlessly: “Hurt knee. Fall down sidewalk. Crying. No bandaid.” These are the scintillating conversations we have around here these days–from Spinoza to scraped knees, and I have to say I don’t really hold up my end of either conversation.

Anyway, cute knees, cute shorts. This is the last pair for a while; three identical pairs of shorts is probably all a girl needs. Now that she’s had a chance to wear them for a few weeks, I like them even more. RTW shorts are super cute, but they just don’t *fit* very well. They all seem to have a tight waists, short inseams, and narrow leg openings. Not good for mobility! When we go to the park, A can hardly lift her leg to do the heart-stopping climbing that she’s taken to lately. Anyway, nothing to say about this pair except that I still love the pattern and envision making three more pairs every summer until she grows out of the size range. And possible a little velveteen pair for the fall to wear with tights.

A’s birthday is in about four weeks. I’ve been ogling Pinterest and coming up with fantastical party schemes, but the reality is that I really only have two friends here, and one of them just had a second baby (yay babies!), and the other is moving in two weeks (yay for new jobs! boo for moving friends). I’m going to make a cake, though. Last year I made Smitten Kitchen’s monkey cake. This year I’m thinking owl cake: here, here, or maybe here for ideas.

My Facebook feed is full of babies and PhDs these days. Sometimes I reflect on the fact that, in the amount of time it’s taken me to finish my degree (and I’m sitting here right now, and I cannot remember for the life of me whether I’m a seventh-year or a sixth-year), A will be in elementary school. I’m not sure how to feel about that: depressed about how many years of my life this has taken? awed by the rapidity of childhood? both?